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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 2, Issue 3, pp. 257-373

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A Nonlinear Programming Problem in Statistics (Educational Testing)

Roger Fletcher

pp. 257-267

Families of High Order Accurate Discretizations of Some Elliptic Problems

Ronald F. Boisvert

pp. 268-284

Properties of a Vortex Street of Finite Vortices

P. G. Saffman and J. C. Schatzman

pp. 285-295

Spectral Calculations of One-Dimensional Inviscid Compressible Flows

David Gottlieb, Liviu Lustman, and Steven A. Orszag

pp. 296-310

Exact Extension to the Infinite Domain for the Vortex-In-Cell Method

Benoit Couët and A. Leonard

pp. 311-320

Modified Diagonally Implicit Runge–Kutta Methods

Zahari Zlatev

pp. 321-334

An Interval Analysis Approach to Rank Determination in Linear Least Squares Problems

Thomas A. Manteuffel

pp. 335-348

Optimal Smoothing of Noisy Data Using Spline Functions

Florencio Utreras D.

pp. 349-362

Analysis of Measurements Based on the Singular Value Decomposition

Richard J. Hanson and Michael J. Norris

pp. 363-373